Don’t! Don’t meet a new angle with suspiciousness. You are also changing. May be this time you just focus on another part of the story?

This way NEW STORIES come alive.

We travel through space and time and share our visual stories. Every single participant of the ensemble have her or his own unique story to share. But please do not be confused finding the same person in different settings, performing a new story. This is just what life is about for each and one of us. The only thing I can assure you is that each story is based on the Purest Truth. So, my dear audience, I will leave you to Ensemble Propelly, and hope you get carried away and find yourself on a forgotten shore. Have a nice journey.
Elly Propelly
creator and director of Ensemble Propelly
The next one to enter the stage is Bride-Hunter. I guess I do not have to go in details to explain his main interest in life. He is just obsessed. Born wild he has a charming character making his girlfriend willing to play the same game over and over again. His background is unknown. The only thing we know for sure is that he has been on the move since he could get on a horse, and that was long before he could walk. A warm welcome to Mr. Bride-Hunter!
Innocence started her life and career as porcelain girls normally do. Well behaved she was a pleasure for the household until they slowly forgot about her. Little by little she was hidden behind newer and more fashionable figures. It was no big deal for her to simply slip away without being noticed. She never looked back.In the deepest of forests she met her Destiny, Mrs. Centaur in person. It was a moment of magic! While the blue shadows of night opened up for the secrets of the forest she realized the journey was her goal. Innocence was filled by the light from Mrs. Centaur, and when morning slowly covered her pale body in pink she was ready. Do not be afraid to stretch your expectations high dear Audience. Open your eyes and see by yourself as Innocence leads you through her journey.
You want to hear more about the Messengers I suppose? Ok, let’s get started. Sooner or later we all meet Messengers. We just do not recognize them. In fact you could say they are “under cover” till they unveil your wishes as deep and honest. And can they fulfil any wish? Can they make fantasy come true? Sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen, that would be too good to be true. As I told you introducing Ensemble Propelly, we will only tell you stories based on the Purest Truth. And the truth is so simple, I am tempted to say ordinary, that I change my mind and keep it a secret. My suggestion is, keep your eyes open! I repeat, keep them open and believe in what you are shown. There you will find the secret.
We are proud to tell you we have two Messengers connected to the ensemble. Their long refined skills, to see where there is only darkness to see, and to hear where all sounds have silenced, are inherited through generations. Please welcome our most trusted partners.